Shihua Zhang's Lab at CAS

Shihua Zhang, Ph.D. 中文

Principal Investigator


Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences

55 Zhongguancun East Road, Beijing 100190, China

Phone: 86-10-82541360


Office: Siyuan Building S628


  • Ph.D., Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS, 6/2008
  • B.S., Yunnan University, 7/2003

Academic Appointment, Affiliation, and Employment History:

  • Professor, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS, 4/2018 -
  • Associate Professor, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS, 3/2013 --- 3/2018
  • Assistant Professor, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS, 6/2008 --- 2/2013

Visiting Experience:

  • Harvard University, 08/2014 -- 4/2015
  • Tokyo University, 09/2013 -- 3/2014
  • National University of Singapore (NUS), 10/2012 -- 2/2013
  • University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), 10/2011 -- 12/2011
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Southern California (USC), 7/2008 -- 1/2011

Honors and Awards:

  • ZHONG Jiaqing OR Prize, 2015.
  • NSFC Outstanding Youth Fund, 2014.
  • Outstanding Young Scientist Program of CAS, 2014.
  • Youth Science and Technology Award of China, 2013.
  • Lu Jia-Xi Young Investigator Award, 2013.
  • Youth Innovation Promotion Association Member (2011--2014).
  • Chen Jingrun Future Star (2011--2013).
  • National Excellent PhD thesis Award, 2010.
  • Special Presidential Prize of CAS, 2008.


  • NSFC No. 11661141019, 2017-2019 (PI)
  • NSFC No. 61621003, 2017-2021 (Co-PI)
  • NSFC No. 61422309, 2015-2017 (PI)
  • NSFC No. 61379092, 2014-2017 (PI)
  • NSFC No. 11001256, 2011-2013 (PI)
  • NSFC No. 11131009, 2012-2016 (Co-PI)
  • CAS Frontier Science Research Key Project No. QYZDB-SSW-SYS008, 2016-2020 (PI)
  • Outstanding Young Scientist Program of CAS, 2014-2016 (PI)
  • Youth Innovation Promotion Association Foundation of CAS, 2011-2014 (PI)
  • Special Presidential Prize Foundation from CAS, No.4310900, 2010-2012 (PI)

Service to the Profession:

  • Editorships and Editorial Boards:
  • Associate Editor, BMC Genomics, 10/2013-
  • Associate Editor, Frontiers in Genetics, 12/2013-
  • Editor, Scientific Reports, 4/2015-
  • Editor, Current Bioinformatics, 1/2016-
  • Editor, ISRN Applied Mathematics, 01/2011-01/2014
  • Review Editor: Frontiers in Statistical Genetics and Methodology
  • Guest Editor, IEEE/ACM TCBB, 2014/2016/2017/2018
  • Guest Editor, JGG, 2017
  • Program Committee:GIW 2016, BIBM 2017, ISBRA 2017, ISB 2018, APBC 2019 and so on


  • Youth Scholar Forum on Interdisciplinary Research of Mathematics, Computer Science and Biological Science, Conference Chair (2013-2018).
  • ISBRA, PC Co-Chair, 2018


  • American Journal of Human Genetics, Bioinformatics, Cancer Research, PLoS Computational Biology, BMC Genomics, BMC Bioinformatics, IEEE TSP, IEEE/ACM TCBB and so on.
  • IEEE/ACM TCBB Top Reviewer (2013/2014)

Current Members:

  • Yusen Ye, Visiting PhD student (Xidian Uni.), 6/2016 ---
  • Fang Jing, Visiting PhD student (Northwestern Polytechnical Uni.), 6/2016 ---
  • Lihua Zhang, PhD student, 9/2013 ---
  • Can Wang, PhD student, 9/2013 ---
  • Zhen Cao, PhD student, 9/2015 ---
  • Chihao Zhang, PhD student, 9/2015 ---
  • Kangning Dong, PhD student, 9/2016 ---
  • Dachang Dang, Master student, 9/2016 ---
  • Xiaofang Yan, Master student, 9/2016 ---
  • Kuo Gai, Master student, 9/2017 ---
  • Xingyan Liu, Master student, 9/2017 ---
  • Penglong Zhai, Master student, 9/2017 ---
  • Biao Zhang, Master student, 1/2018 ---

Former Members:

  • Xiaoyu Liu, Visiting student (Shandong Uni.), 10/2017 --- 05/2018
  • Wenwen Min, Visiting PhD student (Wuhan Uni.), 7/2015 --- 12/2017
  • Jinyu Chen, PhD student, 9/2012 --- 07/2017
  • Bei Wang, (co-advising) PhD student, 9/2012 --- 12/2017
  • Shuai Zhang, Master student, 9/2014 --- 7/2017
  • Xuefeng Li, Master student, 9/2014 --- 7/2017
  • Zhenxing Guo, Master student, 9/2014 --- 7/2017
  • Xiaofei Yang, Visiting PhD student (Xidian Uni.), 6/2013 --- 12/2016
  • Wenkai Ji, Master student, 9/2013 --- 7/2016
  • Hanxiao Jing, Visiting student (USTC), 07/2017 --- 08/2017
  • Wan He, Visiting student (Imperial College London), 01/2017 --- 08/2017
  • Dachang Dang, Visiting student, 9/2015 ---7/2016
  • Kangning Dong, Visiting student, 2/2016 --- 7/2016
  • Lu Lu, Visiting student (Naikai Uni.), 07/2015 --- 12/2015
  • Zhen Cao, Visiting student, 7/2014 --- 8/2015
  • Zhaoqi Liu, (co-advising) PhD student, 6/2011 --- 7/2015
  • Yiyi Yin, Visiting student (Naikai Uni.), 10/2014 --- 4/2015
  • Junfei Zhao, (co-advising) PhD student, 6/2011 --- 7/2014
  • Chen Chen, (co-advising) PhD student, 6/2011 --- 7/2014
  • Wenwen Min, Visiting student (Yunnan Uni.), 7/2012 --- 9/2013
  • Wanjun Liu, Visiting student (USTC), 7/2013 --- 8/2013
  • Qingqing Liu, Visiting student (USTC), 2/2012 --- 6/2012
  • Qingjiao Li, Visiting student (Wuhan Uni.), 6/2011 --- 7/2011
  • Guanghua Hu, Visiting Professor (Yunnan Uni.), 6/2011 --- 8/2011